Are you experiencing persistent soreness in your tooth? Or have you noticed swelling or an abscess?

The bacteria in your mouth could be causing damage to the inner part of your tooth, which is famous as the root. If you don't receive treatment, this may continue to advance until significant damage shows up, leading to other complications.

Fortunately, there are simple signs that you need a root canal. By understanding them, you can take the appropriate steps to treat the problem and stop it from worsening.

Read on to learn more about root canal procedures and the necessary signs.

Intense Tooth Sensitivity

This sensitivity is felt when the area around the tooth is exposed to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods. It can cause an incredibly painful and sharp sensation that may last several seconds.

The pain can be reminiscent of an electric shock, and the sensitivity can be so intense that it is difficult to drink even a sip of water. On top of that, if you touch the affected tooth, you may feel a dull ache that lingers for several hours. 

Severe Pain While Biting

This type of pain occurs when the innermost part of the tooth, called the pulp, is swollen or infected. When this happens, it can be excruciatingly painful when putting pressure on the tooth, such as when you are biting down.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. Do this to avoid further tooth pain and complications. A root canal procedure at Solea Laser Dentistry can alleviate the pain and help restore the health of your tooth.

Chronic Bad Breath

If someone continually suffers from bad breath, it can be a sign that issues with the teeth and gums must be addressed. A root canal procedure can ensure that the individual feels confident when they smile or talk to others.

Additionally, a root canal procedure can help to reduce or eliminate the bad breath associated with a dental concern. A root canal procedure may also improve oral health and reduce tooth decay and infection risk. 

A Bump on the Gums

The bump can reach sizes from a penny to a golf ball and range from soft and squishy to hard and rubbery. Suppose the bump is throbbing or is accompanied by any pain, especially when pressure is placed on the bump.

In that case, it can indicate abscessed pulp within the pulp chamber, a serious infection of the nervy tissue. If the bump is warm and sensitive to the touch, it is probably due to a gangrenous infection, and a root canal is even more likely.

Reasons Why You Need a Root Canal Procedure

Overall, suppose you believe you're experiencing any symptoms of needing a root canal procedure. In that case, it's best to consult your dentist as soon as possible to prevent further pain or damage.

Look for your dentist today to discuss the potential need for a root canal procedure.

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